Hello friends, I'm Angela Lee and this is my blog Small Beginnings. I named my blog this because I was sick, tired and close to hopeless. I had several autoimmune conditions that kept me bed ridden for days at a time. I couldn't figure out how to change my situation until one day I was reading a scripture in Zachariah. The prophet Zachariah and his community had been in a horrible situation for years until God brought them out of bondage and back into their beloved country. The people were tired and distressed from years of captivity. When they were freed and brought home they realized that most things they had once loved lated in ruins. God gave them instructions to rebuild the Temple, and so they began to gather everything they needed to build the structure once again. The task looked insurmountable but an angel of the Lord spoke to Zachariah to encourage the workers. Zachariah 4:10 “For whoever has despised the day of small beginnings (things) shall rejoice!” Eureka! That was my ah ha moment! I didn't have to change everything overnight. I could take one small step at a time and eventually I would change my health, change my surroundings and change my mindset. I knew I needed to change the way I ate. Remove all gluten and inflammatory foods and grow my own organic non GMO veggies and herbs. I live in a small home with only 5 feet of space to grow food in my front yard but instead of being overwhelmed I decided to get containers, pots and planters to grow everything I could. I began to grow herbs on my windowsill, salad greens in a tower planter, micro greens on a tiny cart and a few veggies and flowers in containers. I had several friends and neighbors ask me to show them how to do this for apartment dwellers, tiny home owners or simply people with low mobility or income. It all began with our family’s health journey.

So, I set out to turn my small home into a thriving healthy place to live, work and grow and I started this blog to teach others for free how they can do the same for their families.

Cooking healthier gluten free meals and desserts by using veggies and herbs straight out of our little garden is exactly what this blog is here to showcase. An easy step by step way of creating a home that is welcoming, healing and relaxing. Take this journey with me of Small Beginnings and we will grow together!


Angela Lee